小孢子靈芝蛋白GMI作為一個新穎EGFR降解劑來抑制EGFR表達的癌症A fungal protein, GMI, plays a novel epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) degrader for suppressing EGFR-positive cancers
表皮生長因子受體(EGFR)的突變或過度表現與許多癌症息息相關,而誘導EGFR降解為一新穎治療策略。本團隊證實GMI這個來自小孢子靈芝的真菌蛋白能夠與EGFR結合並誘導其走向降解來毒殺帶有EGFR的癌細胞,因此GMI極具潛力作為一天然EGFR降解劑。This work identifies GMI, a fungal protein, as a novel epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) degrader. GMI suppresses cell viability of EGFR-positive cancer cells. GMI binds to EGFR and impedes EGFR dimerization. GMI reduces EGFR expression levels through the protein degradation systems. In addition, GMI inhibits tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice. This invention highlights the promise of GMI as an EGFR-targeted agent to combat EGFR-positive cancers and address currently unmet clinical needs. --------------傳統醫藥研究所 林東毅副教授 Tung-Yi Lin, Associate Professor,Institute of Traditional Medicine