肺臟纖維化對肺部傷害是不可逆、是漸進式的惡化,最後導致病患呼吸衰竭而死亡。美國每年會新增3萬- 4萬特發性肺纖維化病患,平均存活時間約為3年,可見逆轉治療肺纖維化的急迫性。而現今臨床上核准的兩種抗肺纖維化藥物,吡非尼酮(Pirfenidone)和尼達尼布(Nintedanib),都僅能減緩惡化速率,讓存活時間只能延長四個月。本團隊已發表三篇論文,結果均顯示移植人類臍帶間質幹細胞到已經肺纖維化的動物體內,可以逆轉治療動物的肺臟纖維化。我們已獲得臍帶間質幹細胞用於治療肺纖維化之美國與中華民國專利,我們首要目標是異體移植臍帶間質幹細胞治療肺纖維化。The lung damage caused by pulmonary fibrosis is irreversible and progressive, meaning that the lung function only deteriorates over time. In the United States, 30,000-40,000 new patients will be diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis each year, with a three-year average survival period, demonstrating the importance and urgency of reversing the functionality and status of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Pirfenidone and nintedanib, two anti-pulmonary fibrosis medications approved by the US FDA in 2014, can only slow down the progression of the pulmonary fibrosis and extend survival time by just four months. To date, no therapeutic medication has been developed for PF. Our team has published three research papers demonstrating that transplantation of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells can reverse the pulmonary fibrosis of rats. Our primary goal is to treat pulmonary fibrosis through allogeneic transplantation of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells. Importantly, the patents in US and ROC for the application of human umbilical mesenchymal stem cells to the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis have been granted; patents in other countries are still under review. The globe patent arrangement gives us a significant advantage in gaining a competitive edge in the allogeneic stem cell transplantation business.